The Philippines and Its Spectacular Marine Ecosystem

The Philippines - a vibrant country filled with friendly faces and tropical wonders.

The Philippines is a beautiful Southeast Asian country with a history and culture distinct from any of its neighbouring nations. Tribu Collective offers a unique travel experience to the Philippines through sustainable eco-tourism; balancing relaxation and adventure, interacting with the environment and learning about ocean conservation.

Originally colonised by Spain for over 300 years, the architectural backdrop to your strolls through city streets reflects this country’s fascinating history. Even though the Philippines has been through an enduring political history of colonialism and cultural displacement, the nation is now thriving economically and politically. As a harmonious melting pot of diverse and unique cultures, from the Negritos who were the earliest settlers and Austronesian peoples that followed, Filipino identity is now shared with people from Malay, Indian, Arab and Chinese ethnic backgrounds as well. Today, Filipinos also embrace many aspects of American food, fashion and TV as well as basing their education, legal and government systems on those of the US. ‘Taglish’ — a mixture of Tagalog (the native language) and English - is used in everyday speech.

English speakers can travel around the Philippines with ease, as many Filipino people speak English well. You’ll be made to feel at ease by the Filipinos, who are known for their friendly, warm-hearted and welcoming disposition. Filipino food is as diverse and unique as the rest of the country, defined by a mixture of Malay, Chinese and Spanish cuisine. Local food markets and festivals are abundant throughout the year, a delight for foodies and perfect for an immersive cultural experience.

From the lush mountain ranges in the north to the lower coastal regions, the Philippines’ tropical climate is host to an array of agricultural cultivation and diverse wildlife. Comprised of over 7,100 islands of varying sizes, the Philippines is classified as an archipelago. The country has received a number of ‘Best Beaches’ awards from travel publishers and popular lists; well-deserved credit for its awe-inspiring surroundings. You’ll also find plenty to invigorate your adventurous side, with opportunities to take part in world-class diving, island hopping, spelunking, canyoning and surfing.

The Philippines is at the epicentre of biodiversity in the Coral Triangle, the “Amazon of the Seas” which covers a triangular area of tropical waters across Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. Spectacular intact reef systems and marine life can be found in Verde Island Passage and Apo Reef areas.  Topping that is Tubbatha Reef Natural Park, the only coral reef site declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the entire region.

Although the environment may appear to be thriving now, the Philippines’ marine life is susceptible to decline from over-fishing and climate change. This makes it the perfect place and time for families to learn about the importance of ocean conservation- by seeing what our world is at risk of permanently losing.

Tribu Collective designs immersive, experiential itineraries for families and groups seeking unique, purposeful, and enriching travel experiences in Asia Pacific. Our brand of sustainable ecotourism ensures that conscientious travellers are aware of the risks their environment is facing and understand measures they can take to minimise these risks.

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